Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Tips

2 min readJan 11, 2021
  • ++Student ##Academic **Success @@Center https://tinyurl.com/yd2dpobx
  • The following tips and techniques are to help you ace the Watson Glaser critical thinking test: Answer Strictly as per the Given Information Someone appearing for a Watson Glaser test conducted by an organization usually has a background from the domain associated with the …
  • The Watson Glaser test evaluates a candidate’s critical thinking ability in five separate areas: inferences. assumptions. deductions. interpretations and evaluation of arguments. Each of these skills is tested separately and there are therefore five different types of questions in the Watson Glaser test. We will explore each of these below.
  • The Watson-Glaser Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA) is one of the main evaluating tools for cognitive abilities in professionals. since it measures critical thinking. It is seen as a successful tool to predict job success. as well as being used to select good managers and finding possible future leaders.
  • The BCAT (Bar Course Aptitude Test) is based on the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal methodology. It is extremely similar to a Watson-Glaser test but not as widely used. Trainee barristers are required to take the BCAT but most companies in both the private and public sector favour the Watson-Glaser test.
  • The Basic Guide to Passing the Watson Glaser The Watson Glaser test is made by Pearson TalentLens and it assesses a potential candidate’s critical thinking skills. The test is broken down into five sections: inferences. deductions. interpretations. and evaluation of arguments. Each of the sections presents a different style of question.
  • Like many critical thinking tests. the Watson Glaser test measures these skills through verbal information: that is. statements or passages of text from which an individual is required to make deductions and inferences. pinpoint assumptions needed to validate a proposition. and weigh up the strength of an argument.
  • Thanks to Goodwin Watson and Edward Glaser. we now have what is known as the Watson-Glaser critical thinking test. Critical thinking is all about how you interpret a particular situation. Can you recognise facts from opinions. and come to conclusions based on the evidence provided?
  • Watson Glaser As a professional. in any field it is imperative to keep learning and adding value to one’s skills. The Watson Glaser test is one such aptitude test that ascertains multiple skills of a person. It is largely a critical thinking test that focuses on an individual’s decision making and judgment skills.
  • The Watson-Glaser™ II The Watson-Glaser™ II Critical Thinking Appraisal is comprised of 40 multiple choice items and can be completed in about 35 minutes. The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal II is useful for assessing an individual’s ability to recognize assumptions. evaluate arguments. and …




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